Did you know today is World Turtle Day?
It’s a day to bring attention to turtles and tortoises.
That’s why I made the Globetrottoise.
This tortoise loves to travel (very slowly) around the world and thanks to his globe shell he never gets lost 😉
The plush will also be a great gift for people who leave for or return from traveling.
Lenght: 18 cm
Height: 9 cm
Pattern is available in:
Translations: Tíscar (ES), Pia Pfeifer (DE), Kim Ackermann (FR), Jette Klemmensen (DK), Eva Schröder (SE)
Becky Smith –
This is sooo cute!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you 🙂
Sonja Strydom –
So cute, my kids love turtles.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Jana Bascue –
Beautiful patterns
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you 🙂
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Congratulations! You’re one of the winners of the giveaway. You can find the pattern in your account 🙂
Melanie Van Eijkelenburg –
Echt geweldig!! Die komt op mijn lijstje voor mijn 5 jarige schildpadden fan!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Claudette Soucy –
Awwwww he is so cute
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you very much! 🙂
Debbie Yackanicz –
I just love him. So adorable.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Theresa Kintzt –
What a lovely tortoise he is so sweet thank you
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
You’re welcome 🙂
karen sheldon –
He looks determined to make it all around the world. Good going little turtle!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Mary Broman (verified owner) –
I just purchased another one of your awesome patterns,I can’t wait to start the turtle he’s just to cute.Thanks again for sharing your wonderful work with the world.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you so much! Enjoy crocheting 😀
Paulette Sykes –
Paulette Sykes
Your turtle is so cute.I love turtles I have them in my 1st bathroom where my guests can see them. They are on my walls, I have a little round puff to shower with. I would love to have your pattern of your turtles so I can make some for my Grandkids and for gifts for friends, and for me too.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Evelyn d –
SABRINA!!! Just saw your ADORABLE CupCat and Globetrottoise amigurumi, ALL your patterns are to die for! Would love to make this little guy! <3 You are so talented.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you so much! 😀
Denise Morgart –
This little guy is so adorable, I love turtles! I think you do a wonderful job on your patterns. Thank you for sharing them.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
You’re welcome 😀
sandie middleton –
I love the turtle, and would love to make it for my 1st grandson, expected at the end of July.
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Congratulations! 🙂
Aly Vos-Wieringa –
Schattig patroontje! Komt op mijn wenslijstje!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Ramona Pollard –
Die hoed doet ‘t ’em. Geweldig!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Dank je wel! Ja zonder hoed kwam hij wat kaal over 😉
khacker2004 –
This turtle is adorable! I love it!!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you 😀
clj917 –
I love this little traveler!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Glad to hear 🙂
Amber Nagel –
He is super cute!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Thank you very much! 🙂
hinderika klinkhamer (verified owner) –
ik zag leuke patronen besteld nu wachten dat ik ze heb
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Als het goed is heb je ze direct na de bestelling ontvangen. Heel veel plezier ermee 😀
Tilly Marshall –
Amazing! well done
Dalene Tasso –
Love this little guy!
Sabrina Somers (store manager) –
Véronique (verified owner) –
Merci sabrina pour ce très beau modèle et agréable à faire.